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NOTE: This class will be held in a live, online format using the Zoom Platform
Class meets Wednesday afternoons (1-4pm Eastern) from Sep 30th – Nov 4th
This 6-part workshop looks at contemporary photographers whose practice is influenced by 19th Century alternative processes. We’ll virtually visit 7 galleries located in 6 cities across the United States where dealers will provide an in-depth look at artists they represent shedding light on their work, process and artistic lineage. Pending availability, the photographers will join the conversation.
Both dealers and artists will discuss the current use of such alternative photographic processes as tintypes, daguerreotypes, photograms, scratched pigment prints, cyanotypes, pinhole cameraless prints, wet plate collodion, modern orotones and painted photography.
“This hand imprint is a photogram on film which I scan and then make into a print. There’s no question that the hand imprint process is borrowed from 19th Century scientists and spirit photographers.”
-Gary Schneider
Photographers and galleries include Klea McKenna and Christopher Russell (Gitterman Gallery, NYC); Keliy Anderson-Staley and Michael Koerner (Catherine Edelman Gallery, Chicago); David Emitt Adams (Etherton Gallery, Tuscon); Binh Dahn (Lisa Sette Gallery, Phoenix); Meghann Rippenhoff and John Chiara (Jackson Fine Arts, Atlanta); Chris McCaw, Andreas Rentsch and Anne Arden McDonald (Candela Gallery, Richmond, VA); and Annu Palakunnathu-Mathew and Pamela Singh (SepiaEye, NYC).
This workshop is geared for both the curious collector and photographer alike who want to expand their knowledge of photographic techniques and history as well as how the past has influenced photographic practice today. Work will also be available for sale.
Wednesday afternoons (1-4pm Eastern) from September 30 – November 4 via Zoom
Header Image: ©Brenton Hamilton
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Instructor: Alice Sachs Zimet
Alice Sachs Zimet has been a collector of fine photography for close to 40 years, as well as an educator, consultant, and advisor with regular participation in juries, portfolio reviews, and festivals. Faculty, International Center of Photography (ICP) School. Chair, Photography Curatorial Committee, Harvard Art Museums. Board, Magnum Foundation. Chair, Collections Committee, ICP. Advisory Board Member: Center of Photography at Woodstock (CPW), American Photography Archives Group (APAG) and PHOTOFAIRS New York. Adjunct Professor, Graduate Program, Arts Administration, Steinhardt School, New York University. Bachelor’s Degree (Art History), Syracuse University. Studied art history at the Sorbonne, Paris, France. Master’s Degree (Art History), New York University’s Institute of Fine Arts. Research Assistant, Grey Art Gallery. Manager, Summer Intern Program, Metropolitan Museum of Art. Manager, Direct Mail Publications Program, American Federation of Arts. Director, Worldwide Cultural Affairs, The Chase Manhattan Bank.