Date Revised: March 2020

A student who, by term end, has not completed all course work may receive a grade of “I”, or Incomplete. The faculty for that course makes this determination in consultation with the Provost. Students must be in communication with faculty to determine eligibility for an incomplete.

All incompletes must be completed to the faculty’s satisfaction within four weeks of the end of the term during which the student took the course. In exceptional circumstances, the faculty member may extend the extension beyond four weeks. The faculty member then submits the letter grade to the Registrar’s office.

If a student does not complete the necessary work to the faculty member’s satisfaction by the end of the 4-week period, the grade will irreversibly be changed from an Incomplete to an “F” or failing grade. The student is then required to re-take the course in order to receive his/her degree. (See Degree Requirements)