Examine elements that best serve and come closest to your vision.
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NOTE: This class will be held in a live, online format using the Zoom Platform
Class meets Every other Tuesday from 7-9:30pm EDT
Jan 19th, Feb 2nd, Feb 16th, March 2nd, March 16th, March 30th
This workshop is for both the beginning and more advanced poet to improve and sharpen your craft. In a series of six sessions, held every other week, we begin with a discussion of one of the various elements needed to construct a successful poem, including: metaphoric language, diction, syntax, the line, sonics, line breaks and enjambment, and revision techniques. The remaining time will focus on workshopping your poems during each session. With a stronger knowledge of craft you will explore how narratives move forward, what should be stated directly and what should be left out. Meaningful assignments and prompts will be assigned for each session and one or more individual conferences are open to all students during this three-month long course. You’ll have the opportunity to develop several new poems with a deeper understanding of what it takes to make it memorable.
DATES/TIMES: Tuesday, January 19, 2021, and meets every other week on Tuesday evenings from 7-9:30 p.m. (Jan. 19, Feb. 2, Feb. 16, Mar. 2, Mar. 16, Mar. 30).
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Instructor: Kevin Pilkington
Kevin Pilkington is a member of the writing faculty at Sarah Lawrence College. He is the author of ten collections: Spare Change was the La Jolla Poets Press National Book Award winner; Getting By won the Ledge chapbook award; In the Eyes of a Dog received the New York Book Festival Award; The Unemployed Man Who Became a Tree was a Milt Kessler Poetry Book Award finalist. His poetry has appeared in many anthologies including: Birthday Poems: A Celebration, Western Wind, and Contemporary Poetry of New England. Over the years, he has been nominated for four Pushcarts. His poems have appeared in numerous magazines including: The Harvard Review, Poetry, Ploughshares, Iowa Review, Boston Review, Yankee, Hayden’s Ferry, Columbia, North American Review, etc. He has taught and lectured at numerous colleges and universities including The New School, Manhattanville College, MIT, University of Michigan, Susquehanna University, Georgia Tech.