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NOTE: This Course will be held in a live, Online Format using the Zoom Platform.
Class meets two consecutive Saturdays – Apr 16th & 23rd, 10am-4pm ET

This is a dynamic courses for thinking about and making collage. Meeting on TWO Saturdays,  students will have a chance to respond to prints and coaching from Brenton, show work for discussion and practice on the second meeting. The history of collage as an influence will be thoroughly discussed and illustrated. There are assignments and prompts to propel your investigating. 


Image © Brenton Hamilton

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Instructor: Brenton Hamilton

Brenton holds his MFA in photography from the Savannah College of Art & Design. His teaching specialties include, B&W Craft,  Historic Processes, and the History of Photography. Brenton is an enthusiastic workshop leader exhibiting special care and interest in the teaching process and experience for his students.