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Do you have an idea for a logo or want to develop your own brand? In this workshop we will bring your identity to life.
The class will begin by discussing your concepts, developing rough sketches and then taking those sketches to the computer where we will create a logo. This logo will then be the basis from which we will build your brand. We will discuss color palette, typography, look and feel as well as applications for your new identity. The goal is for you to leave with something that you can begin using right away.
We will show you how to present your work to a client to help them see your vision. The instructor will also share his professional graphic design work.
Computer literacy on a Mac is required. Some working knowledge of other Adobe software would be very helpful, but not required.
Lunch is included for both days, other meals are on your own. Lodging is available for $75 per night.
All Images© Rafi Baeza, Header: Rene Bohmer
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Instructor: Rafael Baeza
Rafi brings more than twenty years of visual branding experience. His background encompasses corporate identity systems, print graphics, packaging and environmental programs. He has received numerous awards for his work, including a gold medal in the AIGA biennial exhibition. His designs have appeared in both Communication Arts and Print magazine. Rafi Baeza is currently the Marketing Director for Maine Media Workshops + College.