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NOTE: This class will be held in a live, online format using the Zoom Platform
Class meets Sunday Sep. 20th 12-3pm EDT

The Coptic binding is an exposed spine binding that uses a linking chain to build up a beautiful binding that we can see and admire! The Coptic is a great binding to use for sketchbooks and notebooks—it opens flat, so working in these finished books is super easy. It also can be utilized sculpturally, as anything that you can drill holes into can be your cover: traditional wooden boards, game pieces, cardboard, fabric, on and on. We will focus on learning the stitch, as well as discussing the many options you have utilizing it in your own work.

All images: Erin Sweeney


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Instructor: Erin Sweeney

Erin Sweeney lives and works in southern New Hampshire. She received her MFA in Book Arts and Printmaking from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, where she was awarded the Elizabeth C. Roberts Prize for Graduate Book Arts.  She also has a BFA in Sculpture from the Maine College of Art in Portland, Maine.

Sweeney exhibits nationally, most recently at the Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts and at the Museum of the White Mountains in New Hampshire. In 2019, Sweeney was awarded a Ruth and James Ewing Award for Excellence in the Arts, and in 2020 was a juror for the Awards.

Additionally, Sweeney is the Coordinator of the Art Education program at Plymouth State University. She teaches Art Education and studio courses; develops curriculum, and assessment strategies, and loves to talk about teaching! She also teaches workshops at her Lovely in the Home Press and travels to teach workshops.