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NOTE: This class will be held in a live, online format using the Zoom Platform
Class meets 10am-4pm ET
A one day workshop from our ZOOM classroom and Haas Lab! Join Brenton for a detailed overview and live demonstration for introduction to gum bichromate.
You will learn the process – the materials and methods to coat and sensitize paper and make images with light sensitive watercolors. Brenton will describe the materials: Prepare paper – both shrinking and hardening and discuss the methods and troubleshooting to this evocative process.
There is a live demo for coating, exposing and clearing the prints – and post treatments for clearing. Ample time for robust Q&A.
Image ©Brenton Hamilton
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Instructor: Brenton Hamilton
Brenton holds his MFA in photography from the Savannah College of Art & Design. His teaching specialties include, B&W Craft, Historic Processes, and the History of Photography. Brenton is an enthusiastic workshop leader exhibiting special care and interest in the teaching process and experience for his students.