Find stories and create visual pieces with social conscience.

There are no available registration dates at this time.

NOTE: This class will be held in a live, online format using the Zoom Platform.
Class meets Wednesdays 1-4pm ET for six sessions Jul 7-Aug 11 + 1:1’s with instructor

Image Credit: Darcy Aders


©Sebastian Sacco, Young Artist 2019

Documentary photography has spurred social change, educated the public, and encouraged photographers to understand the world around them. Curiosity, empathy, and an open ear are all key components to working successfully in the documentary field.
During this mentorship styled course young artists will learn the process of documentary photography and make compelling pictures of intriguing people and places. Students will find stories and deeply investigate local subject matter wherever they reside during the online course, creating photographs that tell a truth. Students will be encouraged to ask questions, find answers, and create their own voice through photographs.
During online class meetings, discussions, lectures, and technical demonstrations, young artists will master the mechanics of photography over the course of 6 weeks meeting once per week. Prompt based photography assignments will help grow project ideas and foster curiosity. Young artists will complete the course with the understanding of Lightroom and Photoshop software. A digital photography portfolio will be created, which will be useful for college admissions and photography job searches. Young artists will learn how to develop an audience for their photographs and how their pictures can fit into today’s visual culture. Contemporary ethical issues and visual culture in social media will also inform the way young artists share and create photographs.


©Devin Altobello


Past Student Work:

(Left/Middle: ©Sebastian Sacco, Right: ©Michael Radford)

Students may request a transcript be sent to their high school for possible credit.

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Instructor: Daniel Kraus

Daniel Seth Kraus‘s work blends historical research with photographic practice to deepen our understanding of people and places. Currently his research investigates the intersection of faith and work in the American South. He earned a MFA in photography at the Tyler School of Art at Temple University and also holds a BFA and BA from the University of North Florida. His work has been featured in numerous print and online publications, including Fraction, SeeSaw, Oxford American, and Aint-Bad.