Learn how to unlock the full potential of your iPhone camera and the many photography apps while exploring and capturing the wondrous midcoast of Maine.

Sep 9, 2024 - Sep 13, 2024

Levels: Beginner, Intermediate,
Workshop Fee: $1450
Workshop Duration: 1-week (Monday-Friday)
Workshop Location: On-campus
Class Size: 10

JUNE session is SOLD OUT!  Email [email protected] for waitlist.

Dog looking into the camera - Tillman Crane iPhone
Learn about the many iPhone apps that will help students produce unique edits of their photos.

What goes on between your ears is more important than what is in your hands. And, you (almost) always have your iPhone with you. Guided by photographer Tillman Crane, this class will help you put the two together.

Traveling lightly, we will move fast and chase the light. We will push the iPhone to its max shooting the streets of Rockland, lighthouses, sand and rock beaches, and the setting sun. We might even photograph the sunrise, though in mid-June, some consider this unreasonable.

Lighthouse - Tillman Crane iPhone
Marshall Point Lighthouse in Thomaston, Maine.

We will create our own “square foot studios” to shoot unique still-life images. The group may travel by ferry to a nearby island or chase ghosts in historic Fort Knox. We may even find a shipwreck. Our cameras will fit in our back pockets, and some of our tripods will fit in our billfolds. We will photograph our lunches and post them to Instagram. We will create time-lapse images as well as panoramic images. This will be a fun, fast-paced class covering the many ways an iPhone is a unique and exceptional travel camera. View the schedule.

Rockland Breakwater - Tillman Crane iPhone
Capture the Rockland Breakwater using your iPhone while on a ferry to one of Maine’s beautiful islands.
Fort Knox - Tillman Crane iPhone
Experience the history of Fort Knox while chasing the unique shadows and light it has to offer.

12 reasons the iPhone is a great travel camera:

  1. It is always with you.
  2. It is subtle; you can use it anywhere without many noticing you using it.
  3. Compared to a DSLR or mirrorless camera, it is not worth stealing. If stolen, you can find it or disable it.
  4. It has a bright screen which makes images easy to see in the daylight.
  5. It automatically backs up to the cloud.
  6. It is waterproof or at least impervious to the elements.
  7. The metadata will tell you exactly where you were and when you made any photographs.
  8. Images are easy to capture, edit, and post. No downloading or transferring of your files.
  9. Sharing files is simple: airdrop, text, or email.
  10. You can shoot RAW with most iPhones either natively or with an outside application.
  11. If you already work in the Adobe world, your images can be downloaded directly into your Lightroom Library.
  12. You can make images that look like anything from a tintype to a modern color print.

Expected equipment:

You will need your iPhone, charging cord, iPad, or laptop, and an external battery. The object of this class is to travel light and to use the iPhone in every way possible.

We will explore Portrait mode, Night mode, Pano mode, Live mode, and Time Lapse. We will dig into the settings that will allow us to make our iPhones work as we need them to. We will look at apps for taking images and apps for editing images. We will even explore apps that make images look like your father’s old slide images from the 50s and 60s and an 1860s tintype. Apps covered include Hipstamatic, Tintype, Pro Camera+, Lightroom, Snapseed, Halide, Mobile Monet, Waterlogged, and I Love Film.

There will be handouts, in-class demonstrations, working suggestions, and time to look at some of your images and edit them together.

Flowers - Tillman Crane iPhone



  • AM: Introduction to your iPhone. What it does and what it does not do. Discussions will include lens options, HEIC vs. RAW vs. JPEG, and its many shooting modes, such as Portrait Mode, Time Lapse, Live Mode, Pano Mode, and Low Light Mode.
  • PM: Field trip, lighthouse, harbors, lobster buoys, and seashells.


  • AM: Editing your images on the iPhone using Photos and Snapseed.
  • PM: Field trip to St. George River and Canal, walk in the woods.


  • All-day field trip to explore the elements of good photographs: Light, Time, Lenses, Vantage Points, and Style.


  • All-day field trip for Portraits and Landscapes.


  • AM: Field trip more lighthouses, harbors, and lobster buoys.
  • PM: Final editing and putting together your images.

I hope you can join me for this fun-filled dive into the great ways to use your iPhone as a travel camera! Hope to see you in June!


More workshop iPhone photography examples

Person sitting on the ferry as it moves along

People writing the words 'love is us' on the sand at a beach in Maine

Picture of an island ferry - Tillman Crane iPhone Front of a small boat with its reflection in still water - Tillman Crane iPhone

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Instructor: Tillman Crane

Tillman Crane’s distinctive platinum photographs combine 19th century materials with a 21st century aesthetic.  From photojournalist to teacher and artist he has honed his technique and mastered his craft over the past 35 years. He made his first platinum print in 1987 and since 2001 his work has been exclusively shown as platinum prints. He works with 5x7, 8x10 and 5x12 view cameras.Today’s images focus on the unique sense of place he finds in the ordinary, everyday locations where he lives and teaches. He has published four limited edition books: Tillman Crane/Structure (2001), Touchstones (2005), Odin Stone(2008), and A Walk Along the Jordan (2009). For the discriminating collector, Tillman collaborates using images of your choice to create one-of-a-kind handmade books of platinum prints.