Learn to work on long-term projects about daily life. Develop your documentary style.

There are no available registration dates at this time.

NOTE: This Course will be held in an Online Format using the Zoom Platform.
Class will be conducted on Sundays for five weeks:
June 28, July 5th, July 12th, July 19th and July 26th, 2020

©Tanya Russell

Compelling documentary work demands a photographer’s strong connection with his or her subject, in this case, ourselves and the extraordinary details of our everyday lives, which can be evocative, provocative, beauteous, difficult, hopeful or just plain colorful. In this course, Stella teaches students how to see and develop a personal style of image-making. She works individually with photographers to help them determine and define their interests and ideas.

Students research ideas in their environments, either in their homes or social distancing while walking or exercising and learn new technical and visual skills essential to telling their stories. Each week is spent photographing an interior, segment of culture, or a person, depending on each student’s documentary interests. Stella meets privately with students and with the class each Sunday to review images. She shares her professional experiences working on stories in remote destinations and what it takes to work on long-term projects about daily life. Images of family, light, color and/or isolation are all parts of the theme.

©Abby Flanagan


Class will be conducted on Sundays for five weeks.
June 28, July 5th, July 12th, July 19th and July 26th, 2020

Twelve students-maximum

Class Time:
10am-1pm EDT
Class time will include lecturing and primarily critique of images made each week by each student.  Stella will also do a one hour individual session via phone/email.

Smart phone use is encouraged. The best camera you have is the one in your hand.

Header Image:  ©Abby Flanagan

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Instructor: Stella Johnson

Stella Johnson is a photographer and educator known for her passionate and honest documentary projects. She received a Core Fulbright Scholar Grant to photograph in Mexico in 2003-2004, and Fulbright Specialist grants to teach in Mexico in 2006 and in Colombia in 2018. The University of Maine Press published her monograph, Al Sol: Photographs from Mexico, Cameroon and Nicaragua in 2008. Wild Greek Press published her second monograph, ZOI, in 2018. Johnson’s photographs have been widely exhibited in the United States and internationally.