Creating a strong body of work with elements local to you.
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In this workshop, students will focus on issues relating to their place and identity. We will identify and examine how these elements can be used to strengthen our position and the images we aspire to make.
Focusing on various modes of portraiture, storytelling, and research, students will create a body of work that addresses their place and identity within their community. During this course we will look at classical and contemporary photographers whose work revolves around identity, studying how they approach their subjects and its effectiveness.
Students will create work and present it during group and one on one critiques.
Images: ©Jon Henry
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Instructor: Jon Henry
Jon Henry is a visual artist working with photography and text, from Queens NY (resides in Brooklyn). He is the recipient of the 2020 Arnold Newman Prize for New Directions in Photographic Portraiture. His work reflects on family, sociopolitical issues, grief, trauma and healing within the African American community. His work has been published both nationally and internationally and exhibited in numerous galleries including Aperture Foundation, Smack Mellon, and BRIC among others. Known foremost for the cultural activism in his work, his projects include studies of athletes from different sports and their representations. He was recently named one of LensCulture’s Emerging Artists for 2019, an En Foco Fellow for 2020 and he has also won the Film Photo Prize for Continuing Film Project sponsored by Kodak.