There are no available registration dates at this time.
NOTE: This class will be held in an online format using the Zoom platform.
Your images are speaking to you. Can you hear what they are saying? This is where we will begin, our jumping off point, imagery you have already created.
Next step is how do you gain a fresh perceptive in this changing world? How do you express yourself in times of change, unrest, and insecurity?
Through exercises and assignments Laurie will help you find your new visual voice. It does mean getting out of your comfort zone, and yes, this is an inside job…..
Together let’s take the next step.
We are not going back, but we can go forward.
This is a fertile time for us to heal and to help heal the world. Let’s create like we have never created before.
Daily Schedule:
Day One (Sunday) : (2-5:30pm EDT) Meet and Greet: Looking at student’s images. 12 photos per student that represents your current work or who you are as a photographer. Laurie will also show the work she is creating with her new visual voice. We will brainstorm about your ideas.
Day Two (Monday): Photographing on your own. Meet at (3-5pm EDT) to talk about your day and finding your new visual voice.
Day Three (Tuesday): Critique from yesterday’s capture. Limit 8 photos per student. Individualized assignments will be given to each student (10am-1pm EDT). The rest of the day will be for photographing on your own. Laurie will be available via phone for questions.
Day Four (Wednesday): Office hours. Scheduled 30 minutes one on ones with Laurie (10am-4pm EDT). The rest of the day will be spent photographing and doing post-production on your own.
Day Five (Thursday): Critique from yesterday’s capture. Limit 8 photos per student. (10am-1pm EDT) The rest of the day photographing on your own and preparing for final presentation. I will be available via phone for questions.
Day Six (Friday): Final Presentation 15-20 images from your new visual voice. We will help you design and develop an individualized plan for going forward. Morning session, (10am-12pm EDT,) lunch break (12-1pm EDT) afternoon session (2-4Ppm EDT) Farewell toast and sharing of work.
All images: ©Laurie Klein
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Instructor: Laurie Klein
Laurie Klein gained acclaim and recognition as an infrared and black and white portrait photographer photographing the female form in the environment. She has her BFA from RIT and her MFA from OU. She has been teaching for more than 30 years, and her work has appeared in hundreds of publications and numerous gallery exhibitions.
Laurie has authored 4 books, including Hand Coloring Black and White Photography, The Female Form with Digital Infrared and co-author of 2 editions of Infrared Photography: Artistic Techniques for Brilliant Images. She is working on a new book of hand coloring in the digital age.
Her work has appeared in hundreds of publications and has a life-long record of gallery exhibitions. She has been teaching for over 30 years.