Pursue your passion for photographing the landscape

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At the heart of any good photograph is both the passion for the subject and your ability to uniquely capture it. If you love the outdoors yet find that your images keep looking like pretty postcards, join Eddie Soloway for an intense week of looking at the natural world with fresh new eyes.

“A Natural Eye” strives to develop your eye first, and then bring the technical skills of photography up to it. The workshop is designed to push your seeing from what’s right in front of our eyes into the world of abstractions, reflections, layers, movement, and then deeper into the realm of concepts and imagination.

During the week, outdoor experiences in local natural areas take you through important steps to enriching your photographs of the natural world as you find yourself focused less on objects and things, and more on the magic of moments and the essence of places. You stop chasing the light and learn to enjoy the fine art of wandering. You visit the same place in different light and different weather, getting to know it, and hence seeing it with new eyes. You learn that if you hear more and touch more, you will photograph with more sensitivity. You are rewarded by the skills of patience, solitude and emptying. This workshop weaves together eye-opening outdoor experiences, technical lessons, image reviews, and Eddie’s one-on- one meetings with each participant.

This workshop is open to all photographers with a working knowledge of their camera. If you wish to participate in image reviews, you will need to bring a laptop and a working knowledge of the digital workflow. This would include the ability to download your images to your laptop, make selections, and transfer images to your flash drive for projection from the class computer.

All image credit ©Eddie Soloway


Past student work (clockwise): Evelyn Chatman, Mike Klag, Austin Halpern, Pete McCutch, Lucy Meoni, Carolyn Todd, Paul Lewis, Barbara Engel

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Instructor: Eddie Soloway

Eddie Soloway is a photographer, teacher, and storyteller committed to opening our eyes to the natural world. He has taught photography and creativity for leading photographic institutions and schools around the world. The Santa Fe Center for Photographic Arts (now CENTER) awarded Eddie the Excellence in Photographic Teaching Award, and recently Photo District News named Eddie one of America’s best photography workshop teachers. His book, One Thousand Moons, was published in 2004, the dvd, A Natural Eye Workshop, in 2009, A Natural Eye video series in 2015, and SEE THINK DO Photo Cards in 2017.