MFA Form Instructions

Revised: October 2019

All forms and evaluations for the MFA Degree Program at Maine Media College are handled through Adobe Sign. This program is web based, free, and functions on all operating systems. The MFA Administrator sends out all forms for registration, midterm evaluations, and final evaluations. The following explains the functions of each form that the MFA program uses, who fills it out and signs each form, and certain forms are due. 


Sent out one week after retreat | DUE two weeks after retreat 

1. Registration for Credits 
The registration for credit form provides an overview of all the credits a candidate will take on in the coming semester. This includes mentored projects and workshops taken for graduate credit. The MFA Administrator will use the registration form as a guide when sending out project proposal forms and workshop proposal forms. The students should work with their project mentors and advisor to determine the projects they will pursue and their credit load for the semester. For each project that the student intends to take for credit, list the title, credit load, whether the credits are studio or academic, and mentor name. The title should not exceed 30 characters and should be general. It will appear on your transcript and may NOT be changed during the semester. “Studio Project #1” or “Academic 2-Analysis” are suitable. 
Sent to: Student | Signed by: Student, Advisor, MFA Chair 


Sent out once the registration for credits sheet has been submitted to MFA Administrator | DUE 30 days after previous retreat 

1. Mentored Project Proposal (Studio and/or Academic) 
In completing the project proposal the student outlines the goals and objectives for the project, as well as the strategy for attaining them. Please be as detailed as possible and work with your project mentor to answer the questions on the form. The student must complete a separate form for each project listed on the Registration for Credits. 
Sent to: Student | Signed by: Student, Project Mentor, Advisor 

2a. Mentor CV 
The MFA Steering Committee must approve project mentors who are new to teaching in the program before a project begins. To get a new mentor approved, contact your advisor and the MFA Chair. They will request a CV from the prospective mentor and the mentor’s contact information. Generally speaking, an individual who holds a terminal degree in an area related to that of the student’s project is likely to receive approval to act as a mentor. Absent the terminal degree, the proposed mentor should have significant professional experience in the related field and/or significant teaching experience as demonstrated by the CV. The MFA Steering Committee reviews the proposed mentor’s CV and the project proposal and notifies the student or their advisor as promptly as is practical. The materials for approval should be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after the end of the previous retreat. 

2b. Mentor Agreement Form + W9 
The mentor agreement form sets forth the terms of the College’s contractual relationship with the mentor. The MFA Administrator will send this form directly to the mentor, based on a student’s Registration for Credits. 
Sent to: Project Mentor | Signed by: Project Mentor, MFA Administrator, MFA Chair 

3. Workshop Proposal 
This is a form to be completed by students who wish to earn credits toward the MFA degree by taking workshops at Maine Media Workshops. The student explains how the selected workshop(s) serves their individual goals and the requirements of the program. The student should always consult with their advisor prior to registering for workshops. A workshop is qualified for graduate credit when it is a level 3 or 4 workshop. The list of qualified workshops is published on the Resources page of the Maine Media website. 
Sent to: Student | Signed by: Student, Advisor, MFA Chair 

4. Retreat Evaluation 
A Student’s feedback on the previous retreat, this form helps the programs office improve future retreats. 
Sent to: Student | Signed by: Student 

5. Intensive Evaluation 
A Student’s feedback on the Intensive when applicable. 
Sent to: Student | Signed by: Student 


Sent out one week prior to due date | DUE at midterm, see paperwork checklist for date 

6 . Candidate Mid-Term Evaluation
An evaluation of the student’s progress in achieving the goals and objectives of the project. Students fill out a mid-term evaluation for each of the projects for which they registered. 
Sent to: Student | Signed by: Student, Advisor (if the Advisor is the Project Mentor, the VPAA, MFA Chair, or President will sign as the Advisor). 

7. Mentor Mid-Term Evaluation 
The mentor’s evaluation of the student’s progress in achieving the goals and objectives of the project. 
Sent to: Project Mentor | Signed by: Project Mentor, student’s advisor (if the Advisor is the project mentor, the VPAA, MFA Chair, or President will sign as the Advisor). The Project mentor should send the completed form to the Student. 


Sent out three weeks before upcoming retreat | DUE two weeks before upcoming retreat 

8. Candidate Final Evaluation of Project/ Evaluation of Project Mentor 
An evaluation of the work completed in relation to the goals and strategy stated in the project proposal. Students fill out a final evaluation for each project they completed. An evaluation form of the Project Mentor is also attached. 
Sent to: Student | Signed by: Student, Advisor (if the Advisor is the Project Mentor, the VPAA, MFA Chair, or President will sign as the Advisor) 

9. Mentor Final Evaluation 
The Mentor’s evaluation of the completed project. 
Sent to: Project Mentor | Signed by: Project Mentor, Student’s Advisor (if the Advisor is the Project Mentor, the VPAA, MFA Chair, or President will sign as the Advisor). The Project Mentor should send the completed form to the