Susan Ruddick Bloom is known for her fine art photography. She uses alternative photographic processes, digital manipulation and multi-media approaches. Sue is considered a pioneer in digital fine art photography and has been involved in making art on the computer since 1984. She holds a BFA and a MFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art. She was Professor and Chair of the Department of Art and Art History at McDaniel College, in Westminster, Maryland. She is now retired and is Professor Emerita.

In addition to her college, workshop teaching and exhibitions Sue leads photo tours throughout the world.

Sue’s book, Digital Collage and Painting, by Focal Press, has been translated into Chinese and Russian. This 608 page book is seen as the Bible for digital collage and painting manipulation and is used as a text in colleges with a digital fine art curriculum. It has gone into a revised and updated second edition. Sue is also the author of  Digital Painting in Photoshop.

She was part of a four person show that traveled throughout the US for over two years. The show was all infrared photography and contained over 100 images.

Sue writes articles for leading photography magazines including Shutterbug and After Capture. She is a regular contributor to Australia’s Better Photoshop Techniques.