Mary Virginia Swanson is an innovative educator, author, advisor, and entrepreneur who guides and assists artists to find the strengths in their work, identify appropriate audiences, and present their work in a professionally informed manner. She counts internationally known artists and respected arts organizations among her consulting clients. Her broad background in the imaging industries encompasses the fine art, editorial, commercial, and licensing arenas, bringing an important range of perspectives on both the making and marketing of art to her students and clients.
Swanson co-authored with Darius Himes “Publish Your Photography Book”, the 3rd edition will be published by Radius Books (Summer 2023). The companion online educational series is produced by La Luz Workshops.
Swanson holds an MFA in photography from Arizona State University. Selected awards she has received include the Lifetime Achievement Award, Griffin Museum of Photography (2013); Susan Carr Award for Education, ASMP (2014), and the Society for Photographic Education Honored Educator (2015). Swanson is based in Tucson, Arizona.
Websites: www.mvswanson.com
Instagram: @maryvirginiaswanson @publishyourphotographybook