Jason Kohn is an award-winning documentary filmmaker whose debut film received the Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize and whose films have played to wide audiences on platforms such as Showtime. Although born and raised in New York, his family’s Brazilian roots led Jason to São Paulo, where he produced and directed his debut film MANDA BALA (SEND A BULLET). That film examined the connections between political corruption and violence in Brazil and won the 2007 Sundance Film Festival’s Grand Jury and Best Cinematography awards. LOVE MEANS ZERO (Showtime) was Jason’s second feature documentary about legendary tennis coach Nick Bollettieri and premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2017. Jason’s new film, NOTHING LASTS FOREVER (Showtime), investigates the criminal and philosophical controversies surrounding synthetic diamonds.
Earlier in his career, he worked as a research assistant on Errol Morris’s THE FOG OF WAR and on Morris’s TV documentary series FIRST PERSON.