I spent most of my early years living in Mid Coast Maine and graduated from Bowdoin College with a double major in Art & Art History. After an early career in publishing in Washington, DC and then several years in a Trappist monastery in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, I migrated north again to begin my career as a bookbinder in 1983 and eventually established Elan Bindery. I have specialized in the design and production of custom archival bindings and presentation cases for rare ephemera, books and art objects. I returned to Maine in 1994 and have taught bookbinding and case design/construction to many individuals and small classes since 1995. My work is in private, corporate and institutional collections worldwide. My interest in miniature bindings began several years ago while I was teaching Introduction to Bookbinding at Colby College, and find working with bookbinding materials at such a small scale both challenging and exciting.