In your employment at Maine Media Workshops + College you should thoroughly familiarize yourself with the policies and procedures contained in this handbook, as well as any additional updated policies or procedures that may be communicated to you. This Manual will serve as a guide and is not intended to answer all questions regarding your employment. If you have any questions about your employment or these policies, please contact Jane Richardson at [email protected].

Maine Media Workshops + College General Policies apply to All Members of our campus community. As part of the handbook, employees are required to familiarize themselves with these policies.

Anti-discrimination makes it clear that discrimination will not be tolerated, and it sets standards and expectations for behavior.


Employee benefits are any forms of perks or compensation that are provided to employees in addition to their base salaries and wages.

Employee compensation includes paycheck information, tax and other deductions, workers compensation & unemployment insurance.

The employee Conduct Standards are a set of rules about how employees can and can’t behave during work hours. It shares expectations for how team members will conduct themselves when they’re on the clock.

The Conflict of Interest Policy addresses situations where an employee’s personal interests might conflict with the Maine Media’s interests. It emphasizes mutual trust, outlines potential conflicts, and provides guidelines for resolution, ensuring Maine Media’s goals are not compromised.

The discipline policy is a set of rules, regulations, and procedures that lay out the expectations and consequences for employees who violate Maine Media’s policies or behave in an unacceptable manner.

This section outlines our guidelines for employment categories, offers, personal information, employee record security and we describe our procedures for end of employment. 

The grievance procedure is a set of rules and methods for documenting, presenting, and resolving disputes in the workplace.

This section includes guidelines for both short and long-term leaves of absence, as well as other forms of time off that do not fall under the category of Paid Time Off (PTO) or Earned Paid Leave.

These polices include information about  using Maine Media email, electronic conduct, remote access, wireless service; and using company approved authentication procedures.

The workplace policies is any rules and guidelines that defines best practices. These policies address topics such as bulletin boards, vehicles, outside employment, work schedule, inclement weather, drug-free workplace health and safety.